
Grafton-Coos Regional Coordinating Council

North Country Council
Reach Out for More Info.

Grafton-Coos Regional Coordinating Council

Regional Coordinating Councils (RCC) are composed of local transportation providers, human service agencies, funding agencies and organizations, consumers, and regional planning commission staff. The RCCs work to develop information that is helpful to transportation service users, identify opportunities for coordination between service providers, and advise the SCC as to the state of coordination in the region. The Grafton-Coos Regional Coordinating Council (GCRCC) meets quarterly to share updates and find opportunities to coordinate efforts to provide transportation access to more people within the region.

Service Directory:

Contact Us for More Information:

5310 (RCC) Funding Information

Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 “Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities” funds are specifically made available to support coordinated transportation services. 

Meeting Information

Upcoming Meetings:

Current Members

Bill Bolton, Transport Central

Carole Zangla, Grafton County Senior Citizens Council

Kathleen Vasconcelos, Grafton County Senior Citizens Council

Christine Lee, Tri-County Transit

Van Chesnut, Advance Transit

Amy Sullivan, Lakes Region Mental Health Center

Frank Claffey, Citizen, Bethlehem

Mark Frank, Citizen, Lancaster

Suggest an Update

Are these committee members accurate? Please let North Country Council know if there’s a local representative contact missing or in need of an update. Please fill out the online form below with the representative’s information along with an upload of the meeting minutes where the member was appointed, if applicable. This includes the following committees: TAC, Scenic Byways, Commission Representatives. Thank you for your assistance!

Minutes and Meeting Materials


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