
Transportation Planning

North Country Council
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Transportation Planning

Transportation plays a vital role within the region. It provides for the movement of people, goods, and services. A diverse and well-functioning transportation system is a fundamental part of the region’s economy and quality of life. Transportation planning involves coordinating short and long-term transportation planning activities. The Council helps improve the region’s transportation network through various programs and projects. We work cooperatively with our planning partners to enhance the quality of transportation by assisting with the identification and prioritization of needs. 

Focus Area Scope

North Country Council planning assistance to our local communities includes conducting traffic counts, pop-up events and installations, collecting culvert inventories, conducting intersection, road corridor, and parking studies, providing grant writing assistance, and completing other special transportation projects. 

Transportation Planning Highlights

Traffic Data Collection & Studies

Accurate traffic data is a vital component of planning for and implementing transportation infrastructure projects. Counts on motorized vehicles, OHRVs, bicycles, pedestrians, and turning movements are all useful in managing the local transportation network and can help determine the most effective use of funds. Traffic Studies can also be done to analyze traffic trends to improve responses to road system problems. 

Regional Transportation Plan

The Regional Transportation Plan is a long-range transportation document that guides the region on decision-making on transportation efforts and related key issues. The Plan is regularly updated every five years, with other amendments undertaken as needed.

Municipal & Project Technical Assistance

North Country Council staff can assist communities by conducting traffic counts on local and regional roads, collecting data on culverts and roadway conditions, writing and managing grant applications, setting up bicycle and pedestrian demonstration projects, and researching and drafting updates to local policies and ordinances. 

It is important to call our offices to discuss the ways we can support your local efforts or to connect you with people who can! 

Complete Streets

The term Complete Streets was introduced in 2003 by America Bikes as part of a policy initiative to ensure equal rights and safety to all users of the street regardless of age, ability, and travel mode choice.

Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan

The Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan (Ten Year Plan) is a long range planning process that the NHDOT uses to fund important infrastructure projects throughout the state. Each planning region in the state is given a set funding allocation that they can apply to important projects. Communities submit their proposals to the North Country’s Transportation Advisory Committee for vetting before being submitted to the state for review and final scoring and approval. Ten Year Plan projects are as varied as the state and can include bridge replacement, roadway reconstruction, bicycle and pedestrian improvements, signaling infrastructure and much more.

Other NHDOT Programs of Interest


Give our staff a call or email us. We would love to hear about what you are working on and find ways to help.