
Complete Streets

North Country Council
Reach Out for More Info

Complete Streets

The term Complete Streets was introduced in 2003 by America Bikes as part of a policy initiative to ensure equal rights and safety to all users of the street regardless of age, ability, and travel mode choice.

Since then, Complete Streets policies have been adopted across the country, with over 1500 policies in place today.

NH Complete Streets

There are currently 12 communities within New Hampshire that have adopted Complete Streets policies. Learn more about Complete Streets in New Hampshire and nationwide:

Complete Streets Virtual Workshop (hosted by NCC on June 23, 2021)

Design Features

Policy Components

Describe the vision, goals, or desired outcomes of the policy.

Outline the types of users and different modes to be included in the policy.

Indicate the type of projects that are covered by the policy.

Outline the design standards to be used and points to specific documents to support them.

Clearly define any exemption to the policy, such as safety issues or negative environmental impacts.

Provide guidance and course of action on how to implement the Complete Streets policy.


Give our staff a call or email us. We would love to hear about what you are working on and find ways to help.