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North Country Council
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Schedule a NBRC Coaching Session!

One-on-One Project Coaching  Sessions with North Country Council 1-1 project coaching sessions are still available! Don’t wait, schedule a session today! The 2024 Spring NBRC Catalyst Grant materials are now available at Eligible organizations, including nonprofits and government entities, are encouraged to book a Project Coaching Session with the North

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Funding Opportunities HUB

Take Me to the HUB Now! Discover grant and other funding opportunities for New Hampshire communities, non-profits, and businesses. Browse by category, let us know if you missed an opportunity or need an update. The HUB was developed by the North Country Council with help from the members of the

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Forest | North Country Council

Regional Housing Needs Assessment

Housing is a hot issue! Throughout 2022, North Country Council will address this issue head-on as a part of our Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). Take our online survey below to share your triumphs and tribulations when it comes to housing the region and help create a framework for change.

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